Have you already heard of “Os Solidários”?
This is a movement that aims to tackle the pandemic we are living through the mission of “bringing heads and wills together to make it happen and thus help those in need”.
This movement, with the help of some companies and individuals, has created some causes that you may have already heard of…
This month we want to tell you about the movement’s most recent cause, “Computador Solidário”.
With the start of distance learning activities, this movement emerged as a response to the thousands of children and young people who do not have a computer to access online classes. Thus, this cause aims to enable all students to continue their learning process.
How can you help? It’s simple!
Do you have a computer you no longer use? A tablet that you can give to a senior student?
Are you a computer technician and are you willing to help restore the equipment?
Then just access the link, http://computadorsolidario.pt/,and follow all the steps.
Sources: http://computadorsolidario.pt/ https://ossolidarios.pt/